Posts 2,215 Likes 32,516 bristnj ·Jul 5, 2019 1966 Enicar Sherpa Super-Dive - Ref. 144-35-02 - cal. AR-1145 Enicar MemoStar Alarm Watch Ref. 298-01-01 (modified Lemania 2980)
Posts 523 Likes 3,184 Joe_A ·Jul 5, 2019 Another nicer "high noon" shot of my late Mark I, a reference which Nico refers to as a "Id." It would be a Mark II except for its earlier case back with a late Mark I S/N. Does it make any difference? It's a June of 1962 albino Graph 😉 I forget the "inner" part . . . Early Valjoux 72, (fixed stud carrier.) The watch is just back from servicing at RGM Watch Co. in Mt. Joy, Pa. Edited: Jul 5, 2019
Posts 8,020 Likes 57,736 TexOmega ·Jul 5, 2019 JimJupiter Some new aquisitions and oldies but goldies Love your rare Sherpas!!
Posts 458 Likes 2,135 bikehomero ·Jul 8, 2019 Have only the one ENICAR Jet Graph, isn't it boring posting fotos from the same watch over and over again?
Posts 1,294 Likes 2,291 jhross98 ·Jul 11, 2019 SteveHarris Not when it's a Jet Graph, no 👍 Mine says hello 😎 absolute stunner my sherpa mk iv says hi
Posts 312 Likes 468 SteveHarris ·Aug 22, 2019 😎 most of the clan are back together after a few going for a service
Posts 1,614 Likes 6,828 JimJupiter ·Aug 29, 2019 Found one of my dream watches. Enicar Sherpa Graph MK1b “Jim Clark”