Interesting Ebay's seller rant about being shortchanged with the payment method Pay

Really not sure as a seller, how much we are being fleeced by Ebay payment, apart from from the ridiculous exchange rate, came across this from one Ebay seller:

If you don't like paying a premium due to the Ebay-Payoneer corporate racket that I've been forced into once Ebay demanded me I use Payoneer, a legally not a scam type of PayPal-pretend service that I've only heard of the day they forced me into it, you may find me on Etsy. Because the Ebay-Payoneer pyramidal scheme now takes around 20% of every sale, stuff is of course cheaper on Etsy. Recent example, watch sold for 260USD, Ebay charged me cca 60 bucks and then Payoneer will charge me some more and beyond the fees they will charge me once they actually process the payment (they keep the money frozen for quite a while) just so I can use the money that they've trapped since, unlike that other online banking company, you can't pay for anything with a Payoneer account - you are trapped in the last layer of a scam, where you either need to pay a recurring 35USD fee to get their credit card or pay a fee and percentage to transfer the money outside of their walled paper mache garden.