Has this picture been posted here in OF before? Pre launch breakfast for Neil Armstrong, supposedly.
A nice shot but not the pre-launch breakfast (picture below) for your shot .......Armstrong having his 'customary late dinner' in March of 1969, according to the caption of the TIME/Life photo. You can see the difference for a launch breakfast with the whole crew.
In the actual pre-launch shot it is worth noting astronaut Deke Slayton holding the maps and everyones attention. Director of flight crew operations while grounded for medical reasons, he made a lot of the big calls for crew selections I beleive. He was able to fly on the ASTP mission in 1975 after his flight status was restored.
As a test pilot Neil Armstrong wore a BULOVA 3818 pilot watch ( as did Borman, Cunningham Lovell and Stafford ... among others... before receiving their NASA-issued Omega Speedmaster ).
Post-Apollo 11 and post-NASA career, Armstrong often wore BULOVA wristwatches... looks like a Bulova Caravelle
J jmnavCurious photo... Those are (then) Princess Sofia and Prince Juan Carlos of Spain (Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos I later on). That may be when Apollo XI crew visited Spain in Sep 1969 in the context of "Project Giantstep" world turnee. There were two tracking stations for the Apollo missions back then in Spain: Maspalomas in Canary Islands (I think to remember the Apollo XI crew visit it and had the chance of talking to the same people whose voice they already knew from the radio transmissions) and Robledo de Chavela/Fresnedillas, near Madrid.
PS: digging a bit on google, it seems this photograph could most possibly be taken on 8th Oct 1969, in relation of their visit to Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.