SpeedyTuesday April 28 ... time for some rarely seen photographs from the
MoonwatchUniverse collection
Wally Schirra and
Leroy Cooper, a third astronaut of the
"Mercury Seven" had a personal Omega Speedmaster CK2998-4 chronograph...
June 1963, USAF testpilot
Donald Deke Slayton was photographed during NASA jungle survival training at the Albrook Air Force Base with the
"New Nine" astronauts, including Armstrong & Young, in the republic of Panama canal zone.
December 1964 Slayton, now senior manager of the astronaut office, photographed with children who had undergone heart surgery. Slayton was grounded for medical reasons (heart rhythm disturbances) in March 1962. What a surprise for these kids, photo was printed in newspapers
Tuesday 22 December 1964.
However, Donald Slayton flew to space as
Docking Module Pilot of the historic July 1975
ASTP Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission.
Note the bezel was missing since spring of 1963... (Photos: NASA/Chronicle)