Half Hunter Identification.

2979A885-394E-4E95-8508-B0CA162524D5.jpeg D8985D19-0905-482B-8FDB-6F66A0F10ECB.jpeg 9A170D62-2AF8-4B9E-8F60-8062430FD9C3.jpeg Firstly thank you for allowing me to join your forum.

About Thirty years ago my father gave me this Half Hunter pocket watch, at the time I cannot remember asking for any details about the watch, but my memory is not that good these days, and it has sat in a draw until the start of this year.
I sent it off to have it serviced as it’s my intention to pass it on to my sons. When the watch was returned it had a little hand written note with it stating that it was a very early model and much sought after by collectors. I contacted the company who serviced the watch but they could not give me any further details. I’ve tried searching online and found your forum.
Please can anyone identify the watch or give me some information as to is it a rare watch or what. The workings are in a Fahys case serial number 6474679. The watch did have a Solid Silver chain attached which is stamped with a British Lion with a letter M and the initials HB. My jeweller thinks it’s dated 1886-1887. I’m not sure if this is the original chain.