Celebrate good times….. but when does one and how?

So I am terrible at knowing when to celebrate anything or mark an occasion for myself. On two occasions (more by luck than judgment) I got all the winners (accumulator) at a horse race meet and I only allowed myself a small internal yippee..and had to buy a lot of drinks. Anyway the last five years have been interesting. Aside from the obvious world issues I had the death of a parent and step parent, moving back to the UK after time overseas, career changes and, a significant health concern which appears to be in the rear view mirror now thankfully. So two years ago I rang the changes, went self employed and set a few tasks and ambitions which needed to be done… and last week I realised it was finally kinda there, even the grail watch (well one of them ;0) Still a few plates up in the air and cat No1 is not too well but, when the heck is everything ever all aligned to perfection? So I decided to pop the cork on an old bottle from a special year to mark the occasion and we kicked back and relaxed with good food, Glastonbury on the iPad and had a fun and sun reflection day.
The wine was probably like me a bit past its sell by date, so I might break out some more sooner rather than later. if I can get used to this celebration concept ;0)
Are you better at it / what do you do and how often?
Edit - I added for myself. Birthdays and celebrations for others are much easier :0)
Shout myself every 5 years. 35, 40, 45, 50 etc…. Just turned 52, yesterday 😉 and bought myself something nice.

A rather nice Damascus hammer

Life is short, enjoy it.
Here's an anecdote that I often think about in relation to this question:

I assume you know of, or can recall the plane that 'crash' landed on the Hudson about 15 years ago...

I remember watching the many interviews with passengers that dominated the media in the aftermath and one in particular stuck out for me.

The interviewer asked a man "what went through your mind in the seconds before impact?" and the man responded,"all I could think about were the hundreds of bottles of wine I'd kept 'for a special occasion' and would now never taste'...

Life is now, not tomorrow, not yesterday... now. Savor it, 'taste' it, enjoy it, and you'll never regret it!
I am terrible at celebrating my own high points. I feel I have all I need and if something grabs my attention then I know I can afford it, although, even then I have to convince myself and often don’t go through with it.

Conversely, I get more of a kick spoiling others. Regularly spend sums on gifts for my wife that I would ponder for years if I were spending on me. The Bank of Grand/Parents is open all hours for withdrawals and that does not bother me at all.

The imbalance may be because I was under real financial pressure in my 20’s, and the personal terror needlessly still lurks.
I am terrible at celebrating my own high points. I feel I have all I need and if something grabs my attention then I know I can afford it, although, even then I have to convince myself and often don’t go through with it.

Conversely, I get more of a kick spoiling others. Regularly spend sums on gifts for my wife that I would ponder for years if I were spending on me. The Bank of Grand/Parents is open all hours for withdrawals and that does not bother me at all.

The imbalance may be because I was under real financial pressure in my 20’s, and the personal terror needlessly still lurks.

It’s a good point - I added ‘for myself’ in my post. I agree birthdays etc - celebrating and gifting for others is much easier and feels more rewarding. But as I get older I am thinking one should have the odd pause for personal reflection and some satisfaction or even the odd ‘yippee’ if merited. I did share the wine so it was not too self-indulgent.
I am 63 which by the way I don’t consider old and have a list of projects to consume the next five years at least.
I tend to have small celebrations for small events and then the big ones funnily enough not so, pretty happy having lots of small celebrations.
My mother died at 63 so celebrating my 64th might be in order.
Here for a good time not a long time.