·My pocket watch is by John Hargreaves of Wigan which is also my home town so I am really pleased with this find on the bay a few years ago.
I also have in my watch/pocket watch collection another six Wigan made pocket watch movements by various makers.
This one is hallmarked silver with the leopards head for London, others I have seen made by J Hargreaves are hallmarked for Chester.
John Hargreaves most likely bought in the silver case and fitted his own movements in them.
It has a beautiful fusee movement but I have yet to get it restored, so at present I don't use it.
I also have in my watch/pocket watch collection another six Wigan made pocket watch movements by various makers.
This one is hallmarked silver with the leopards head for London, others I have seen made by J Hargreaves are hallmarked for Chester.
John Hargreaves most likely bought in the silver case and fitted his own movements in them.
It has a beautiful fusee movement but I have yet to get it restored, so at present I don't use it.