I'm borrowing Mad Dog's neato pair of Elgins with wind indicators that he recently featured. I'm making use of them as illustration for a question I have about wind indicator desirability.
I've watched wind indicator pricing and "sold prices" on both Elgin wind indicator and Waltham wind indicator models on Ebay for some time. It would seem that on average, the Elgin models with wind indicators are priced higher and do realize more money than wind indicator Waltham models.
I read on a thread found on NAWCC of discussion where best quality Elgin was considered just a smidgen lower in quality generally than the best of Waltham, Illinois, and Hamilton. Now I take everything read on hobby forum threads with a grain of salt. The poster was making a point that the finish quality of the parts and of the underside of the plates on Elgins are not as finely crafted as the other three and that watchmakers realize this.
I don't know anything about it and am not going to dismantle and inspect my watches. I know that the two Elgins I've acquired so far, a 19-jewel B. W. Raymond from 1918 and a Veritas with 270 movement from 1904 sure do have eye popping movements, very pleasing to view, and they keep decent time, as well as any watch with unknown service history could be depended upon to keep time. In the vintage pocket watch world, is the Elgin the Benrus compared to Longines, Omega, or Rolex? Or, are Elgins every bit as fine and serviceable as the other makers of the pocket watch heyday?
Elgin wind indicator pocket watches are apparently highly regarded if prices are any indication. I happen to know where a really appealing Elgin Father Time with wind indicator is languishing in a pawn shop in a small Texas town northwest of Abilene, Texas. The guy came down on the price when I expressed an interest, but I didn't bite at the time. Next time I'm back out there, driving past the pawn shop, I'm going to revisit that Elgin. I need an Elgin with wind indicator. Then I can be half as cool as Mad Dog is.
Meanwhile here are the two wind indicator Walthams, the 1924 23 Jewel Vanguard and the 1914 21 jewel Crescent Street.