I know it's not everyone's cup of cake, but it spoke to me from the first sight. Then I saw these two at Omega boutique in Zurich just after release:
And I just could not sleep for the next couple of weeks, especially after seeing the blue one. I have a few blue watches before, including two blue AT's and one blue GM -> every time the blue is very dark and you can see the colour only in very strong light, otherwise it all looks black or dark grey.
Here the blue is always blue with just hints of grey, which I love, and the sunbrushing is awesome. White circles around small seconds and the full dial (stepped, 3-dimensional by the way) just give an extra kick to how the watch look, comparing to very conservative (but still beautiful) standard centre seconds.
Here below videos of the blue one in natural & sunlight -> the dial pops.
So, unless you are really not fond of the design as such (and this is just a matter of taste, no discussion here if someone is right or not) - then the SS version is the way to go.