··schizophrenic pizza orderer and watch collectorThanks for that guys. This is a collector who had a habit of going into his nearest retailer and buying six-figure double/treble tourbillions, so I would imagine it likely that these are the most expensive knives around. but the estate doesn't know where to place them or how to value them. I'm not enough of a knife expert to know where the secondary market is for such knives.
Plus I heard a rumour that someone in China noticed that it isnt too difficult to replicate even the most high quality artwork and metalwork on these knives; and when they started producing the highest quality copies - all for around $500, the whole bottom fell out of the market.
Rumour is wrong, the knife market is still strong and most are as knowledgeable as watch collectors. (but yes there are fakes but they are mostly production knives at the $3-500 level where they would get better return than copying one offs like what these look like) Knife community is super vigilant of China knock offs and probably more vigilant than here.
So does this look familiar
Arizona knives is your best bet for validation and selling.
I suggest send them a picture