A Diamond (or Cubic Zirconia) O&W Big Eye in the Rough?

Wandering the online auctions and I found this, no idea why but it just appealed to me I don’t have a yacht and don’t need anymore diver styles, (I know what does need have to do with this hobby?) and I knew nothing of O&W but it called.

After some net research I had in mind to go to £500 but it went higher (£700 plus charges), I am now suffering non-buyers remorse, should I have gone higher?

Be interested in your thoughts, and hope someone here got it.
My first mechanical watch was an O&W Sub. They made good (not great quality) watches in the 1960s and in the 1970s they bought out Breitling’s parts (and rights to the Navitimer name) when that company went bankrupt and they put out Navitimers under the Aviation name, even after Breitling returned with their own Navitimers. I’m not surprised some eagle-eyed O&W collector bid on that lot, because the Big Eye chrono is one of the O&W collectible pieces.

They did bid near the high end of its value, IMO, but they may have really wanted it or knew they could resell the rest of the lot and make it up.