6B/159 Squadron – The Mosquito – Photo Heavy

So, I plan to feature three WW2 RAF aircraft with my Omega 6B/159 (1942) and a 6B/221 (1943) Air Ministry Smiths / Dennison Stopwatch.

First off is the Mosquito – the wooden wonder. This is a night fighter variant. The Mossie was a multirole aircraft which some still consider is one of the best planes of WW2. The roar of twin Merlins on such a light manoeuvrable aircraft – fantastic.

Pictures are from a Darren Harbar photography day I joined at East Kirkby Museum at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre. All the superb re-enactors are volunteers and we were hosted by Andrew Panton and his amazing team at the museum.

12/11/2021 update.
Well, that is my mission complete with three iconic aircraft covered…. Although there might now be a fourth and if anyone might be interested in a very good value UK based warbird flight this year drop me a PM.



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My grandfather, who I sadly never met, was a carpenter by trade who ended up working on the Mosquito production line. I still have the Airfix model somewhere. Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
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Why does it have a spear gun on the nose?? ::stirthepot::

Night fighter variant so rudimentary early radar... balls of steel as flying blind /guided onto target from ground stations and then the Navigator with his scope. Very precise instrument flying. Of course precision and positioning also helped the Mosquito become key to successful bombing raids as a pathfinder / target marker. Over 400mph, 1500 mile range, 4000 pound bomb load, four machine guns and four cannons - made of wood so light and stealthy. . To put this in perspective a B17 would only carry 4000 pounds on a Berlin raid. A difficult plane to bale out from having seen the cockpit - Night fighters did have better survival odds compared to daylight pilots as they had less /shorter engagements but still a tough job.
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Why does it have a spear gun on the nose?? ::stirthepot::

For completness I have added some recent photos from Duxford showing a bomb aimer varient. This plane did fly in the 633 Squadron film and ended life as a target tower (hence the bold colours). The Prototype Mosquito was also in yellow by coincidence.
There were a lot of varients of this amazing first multi-role aircraft as the photo and website link below shows. The Pathfinder Trust video and website links below are also well worth checking out.

The Mosquito Pathfinder Trust Introduction - YouTube

The Mosquito Pathfinder Trust - news (thewoodenwonder.org.uk)
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So, I plan to feature three WW2 RAF aircraft with my Omega 6B/159 (1942) and a 6B/221 (1943) Air Ministry Smiths / Dennison Stopwatch.

First off is the Mosquito – the wooden wonder. This is a night fighter variant. The Mossie was a multirole aircraft which some still consider is one of the best planes of WW2. The roar of twin Merlins on such a light manoeuvrable aircraft – fantastic.

Pictures are from a Darren Harbar photography day I joined at East Kirkby Museum at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre. All the superb re-enactors are volunteers and we were hosted by Andrew Panton and his amazing team at the museum.

12/11/2021 update.
Well, that is my mission complete with three iconic aircraft covered…. Although there might now be a fourth and if anyone might be interested in a very good value UK based warbird flight this year drop me a PM.



Now THAT looks absolutely brilliant! And you fired up the engines!!! Very cool! I would have liked to have been there!
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